The Black Sheep Agency | All The Things

As the Content Director at an innovative branding shop, the Black Sheep Agency in Houston, TX, I assisted the CEO in driving the strategic direction of the Black Sheep brand. And we’re not just talking write a blog post here and there, then phone in the social—the challenge of working for an innovative, out-of-the-box brand is that you have to, well, innovate. (Sidenote: You’re allowed to say “out-of-the-box” like once per year, so know that sentence was an investment.)

So, that’s what we did. Every day we asked ourselves how we could make things more interesting, more engaging or just more awesome. And then we did that. Piece by piece, we built something together that was worth looking at—having a blast along the way.


Have you ever walked into a room in your home and forgotten why you went in there? Marketing can get like that sometimes. If you have no idea where you're going and no idea WHY you're going there, then any destination is fine and nothing meaningful happens. Enter: Strategies. That's the driving force at Black Sheep. We ALWAYS start with a strategy, be it quick-win or comprehensive, because we want our clients to know the where, the why and the how. As a strategist, I stayed up late worrying about KPIs, laddering back to business goals and just how the heck your industry meaningfully measures stuff. I was also the person that sweated the small stuff about your brand voice, from what celebrity is your patron saint to how you sound on each social network to how we guard against "zombie voice" creep (ask me about that one). The look on the clients faces at the presentation made all that lost sleep worth it, though. 

Black Sheep Content Direction

Content Directors have to, well, direct content. We’re the first mate of the agency ship, trying to keep the brand seaworthy. (I have no idea why I’m using this ship analogy, but here we are.) This meant running the Black Sheep social accounts, coordinating the work of the Content Team and helping keep work flowing smoothly from concept to feedback to completion.

Web Page Copy

There is nothing I love more than a good website. Seriously. We’ve moved past the time of people putting ALL THE WORDS on ALL THE PAGES—now it’s all about creating an experience. And that’s exactly what we did. One of my favorite bits? Getting to write this hyper long bit of homepage copy. It’s like a choose your own adventure!

The Black Sheep Blog

I. Love. Blogging. I love it. Nothing makes me happier than being able to create longer form content on a variety of topics and help a brand show their personality to the world. At Black Sheep, I was entrusted in doing just that. Here, here and here are a few of my favorite posts (this one too but there’s a big swear in there, so just know that before you crack it open at work).  

All work created by and for the Black Sheep Agency (with love, obviously).