Better Make Room | Copy + Strategy

This is going to sound like a brag, but I just can’t help it: I’ve been to the White House twice. Two. Times. It was insane. Have you ever had a moment where your brain went, “Are we in a dream? Did I get hit on the head with a coconut and hallucinate this?” That has happened to me while in D.C.


How’d I get there? The same way you get to Carnegie Hall: Teamwork.

Wait... It’s “practice?”

Whatever, that too. But teamwork was what made the dream work.

Together with some of Houston's most creative minds, the Black Sheep Agency concepted, created and launched the Better Make Room campaign for First Lady Michelle Obama. Did I meet her? You bet I did! I have no idea what I said to her or what she said to me, but there’s a picture to prove the moment happened. (It also proves that I’m about two feet shorter than 80% of the people in the room, but that’s not relevant here.)

As part of the Black Sheep team, my role in this project was to create compelling copy that helped our target audience, Generation Z, put themselves in the driver’s seat—taking the campaign and running with it on social media.

In addition to copywriting, I also helped by offering strategic insight and writing PSA scripts for the First Lady (like this one on Vine).

All work created by and for the Black Sheep Agency (with love, obviously).